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Unlock business potential with employee analytics

DXC Experience Management

Optimize technology investments, elevate operational efficiency and ensure a seamless employee experience to foster a productive and engaging work environment.

Prioritizing the employee experience is key to driving business growth and operational efficiency. Using employee analytics, DXC Experience Management provides the insights that you need to take control of your employees’ technology journey, optimizing workforce productivity. By actively listening to how employees think and feel, you can drive continuous service improvements for a friction-free technology experience that helps to keep staff engaged, motivated and productive, ultimately leading to a stronger commitment to delivering excellent customer experiences.

What's included

DXC Experience Cube

Our experience management framework harnesses technology, operational and experience data to measure your employees’ technology experience and drive continuous improvement.

Experience journey mapping

Follow employees' journeys across service interactions to identify points of friction and make data-driven decisions to improve their technology experience.

Persona profiling

Profile the workforce based on their needs, leveraging real-time analytics and intelligence that empower employees with self-service solutions.


With insights generated by DXC Experience Management, you’ll be able to get the most out of your technology investments to create a friction-free technology experience that helps your business retain top talent, lower recruitment and training costs, enhance onboarding experiences, and minimize absenteeism and low morale. With a 360-degree view of the workplace experience, you’ll be positioned to drive continuous service improvement and prepared to improve ROI at a global scale.

For example, DXC measured employee sentiment at a leading healthcare company to preemptively address service issues before they escalated, leading to a 20% increase in “first-time right” support, improving overall service quality.

Observe and process how workers travel through multiple functions across systems and channels to accomplish a task or fix an issue. IT personnel can intercede to help users at the point where they become dissatisfied with the experience. They can provide support that includes everything from popping up the information an employee needs to move on, to dispatching a service agent to their work location.

Conduct analysis to understand the technology needs of particular individuals and groups, and monitor services according to those disparate requirements. Through persona profiling and a proactive approach to address IT needs — empowering users with optimized self-service solutions and preemptively addressing potential issues — a health technology company reduced service desk calls by 25% per user over 12 months.

40% decrease in IT incidents
via continuous service improvement for a leading health technology company
3-to-6 months
average timeframe to realize results that promote continuous service evolution mapping

Who Can Benefit

Consider DXC Experience Management for your business if:

  • You are dealing with the complexities of supporting end-to-end technology experiences for a sizeable, distributed and remote workforce.
  • Your role involves managing employee relations, well-being and satisfaction, as well as recruitment, onboarding, training and performance management. Your actions matter in supporting worker loyalty, the currency of the experience economy.
  • Your business is involved in an organizational restructuring or a merger or acquisition, and you must manage the transition while maintaining employee morale.


Leading businesses choose DXC for our global partner ecosystem, insight into the challenges of experience management through employee analytics and relentless focus on value. DXC understands that employees are the foundation of a business’ sustainable success, so it’s vital to create excellent experiences for them. Here’s what you can expect when you work with us: 

Enhanced experience analytics

DXC's unique Experience Cube methodology, our three-dimensional cube XM model, enables businesses to gain real-time insights and establish the specific workplace experiences for their organization.

Deep data discovery

DXC can gather and measure operational and experience data across all of our workplace services — including device management, support and collaboration — to continuously drive improvement.

Employee experience manager

DXC can assign an employee experience manager to all our customers, to help them build their own employee experience management expertise.

“Working with DXC has empowered Vale to make experience our competitive advantage by focusing more on the employees’ technology experience and learning how critical it is in terms of business outcomes. We have more retention, we have safer people, we have more productivity and we have better business results.”

Helio Mosquim 
North Region Technology Director, Vale  


DXC delivers Experience Management alongside a key collaborator.

Enable your business to improve employee experiences through real-time employee insights and intelligence.
Get a true measure of the employee experience

Rethink your approach to experience management to boost employee retention and business competitiveness, using the DXC Experience Cube methodology.

Commonly asked questions about DXC Experience Management

While SLAs are effective for measuring specific service metrics and ensuring compliance with contractual agreements, they may not fully capture the quality or usability of technology services from the perspective of employees. SLAs also tend to focus on quantitative metrics, such as mean time to resolve (MTTR), overlooking qualitative aspects such as user satisfaction and employee sentiment. Relying solely on SLAs to measure technology experiences may result in a disconnect between IT performance and employee perception, leading to dissatisfaction and disengagement. 

We define our approach to experience management as providing a holistic view for understanding and improving how individuals perceive their overall interactions with technology.

Our assessment data factors in our Experience Cube methodology are broken down into:

  • Sentiment: Data about how employees, on an individual basis, feel about a particular service (such as onboarding, requests or problem resolution)
  • Perception: What employees, looked at as a set of individual groups with different needs, think about various aspects of a business service (accounting for metrics such as timely communications about interruptions for the team’s critical applications)
  • Service impressions: Technical evidence gathered from systems and software (such as access logs and device data)

Measuring this data empowers the technical capabilities needed to fully exploit experience level agreements (XLAs) — identifying pain points, prioritizing improvement initiatives and tailoring services to better meet the expectations of employees. This encourages a culture of continuous improvement that is employee- and experience-centric, ultimately leading to higher satisfaction, productivity and engagement.

Your opportunities are significant. With your findings you can:

1.     Better understand user segments and their needs so you can take preemptive measures for target segments.

2.     Engage key segments using the channels users prefer.

3.     Collect, analyze and share feedback with managers and teams so they understand employee sentiment.

4.     Once employee sentiment is measured, drive continuous service improvements through an ongoing feedback loop.