RISKWORLD 2024 – presented by RIMS

DXC was exhibiting at RISKWORLD 2024 to showcase our suite of claims and litigation management solutions.


May 5 – 8, 2024


San Diego, CA

DXC Assure Claims, DXC Assure Legal, DXC Assure Legal Insights and DXC Assure Reinsurance solutions showcase at RISKWORLD 2024

Thank you for joining us at RISKWORLD 2024, Booth # 1130, to learn how you can lower claim costs and legal expenditures, improve claims administration, enhance customer experiences and gain insights into your litigation strategies with DXC insurance software and services.

Solve your claims and risk management challenges with our innovative solutions:

·       DXC Assure Claims – A cloud-based solution that empowers insurers to meet consumer expectations and optimize processes by offering easier ways for consumers to file claims, including self-service

·       DXC Assure Legal - A subscription-based litigation management solution that provides secure invoice submission, automated bill review, legal matter management, and data-driven analytics and insights

·       DXC Assure Legal Insights – The newest subscription-based solution that pools claims litigation data with court outcome data to give customers a holistic approach to litigation reserving, matter budgeting, law firm rate negotiations and case outcome analysis

·     DXC Assure Reinsurance - Helps you manage your book of reinsurance business, improve claims administration, ensure the accuracy of accounting transactions, and reduce operational costs.

Learn about our work in Insurance and capabilities in Insurance Software and BPS.

Download our DXC Assure Claims for Corporate Claims and Self-Insured Organizations fact sheet.


Customer story

See how The Black Car Fund uses DXC Assure Claims

The Black Car Fund swapped out its claims processing service for a cloud alternative that makes it possible to modify the app without requiring custom development.