43%+ contacts supported digitally
DXC Digital Support Services
Provide a digital-first support experience to efficiently resolve issues and help employees work without disruption.
With more people working remotely, businesses are experiencing an increased demand for IT support — driving up costs and requiring considerable time and resources. More support interactions also mean more downtime while employees await resolution. To provide a better employee experience and give employees the timely help they need, at an optimal cost, you need to continuously improve IT support services.
DXC Digital Support Services empower employees with a consumer-like, personalised experience to resolve issues quickly and get more work done. Employees can select the IT support option best-suited to their needs, using digital support tools that are underpinned by automation and analytics to reduce manual processes. This turns support services into an important driver that fuels business growth, rather than a high-priced cost center.
43%+ contacts supported digitally
80% of interactions resolved on first contact
More than 35 million support interactions annually in 56 languages
Employees easily and intuitively engage with IT support, whether they are leveraging one of DXC’s 300 walk-in centers, video kiosks, IT vending lockers and machines, or virtual agents.
To help employees work without disruption, we provide predictive and proactive analytics that resolve issues before productivity is compromised.
We help you reduce the overall cost of workplace support and empower your employees to focus on their work, not IT support.
Manufacturer deployed chatbot to address influx of IT service desk calls for newly remote workers.
Has the pandemic changed the way we work forever? DXC Modern Workplace exec says yes in this Forbes article.